2014-01-04 - Rock Creek Treks with Stephanie, then Barry and Rebecca

^z 21st March 2023 at 6:12am

~6 miles @ ~10.6 min/mi and ~11 miles @ ~12 min/mi

At 7am and ~10°F, a ~6 mile run with Stephanie Fonda along Beach Dr in Rock Creek Park makes for an icy moustache plus beardcicles! A big red-tailed hawk, puffed up against the chill, perches on a branch above the road and eyes us hungrily as we pass below. A cowled figure sings and chants to the rising sun from the pavilion near Military Rd. Anny Rosenthal and others in training groups greet us.

Mile splits, including all stops: 12:04 + 10:01 + 11:25 + 10:16 + 10:16 + 9:13 (ha!) The Garmin and Runtastic record details.

Two hours later, a veritable heat wave: ~20°F! From home, jog ~3 miles to Candy Cane City, then ~8 miles with Barry Smith & Rebecca Rosenberg along Beach Dr. Snowballs blow down at us from trees. They splatter on the asphalt like inverse Dalmatian spots, white on black. Quote o' the Run by RR: "There's always somebody crazier than you!"

Details are at Garmin and Runtastic.

^z - 2014-01-30